ABGPA Midstream supports the educational endeavors of our future members and industry employees in order to promote regional growth within our industry. We work closely with the engineering departments at our target schools to seek out junior and senior-level engineering and technical students interested in midstream careers upon graduation from college. The Board awards scholarships to candidates based on the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee and scoring criteria. For the academic school year, the Appalachian Basin Chapter will award scholarships up to a total of $20,000.

Brian Curry – Petroleum Technology Pierpont Technical & Community College
Alythea Hodges – Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering West Virginia University
Johnathan Kungle – Petroleum Engineering Marietta College
Anna Woods- Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Slippery Rock University

Jarrett M. Lemonakis – Electronic Engineering Pittsburgh Technical College
Alec R. Rufener – Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering West Virginia University
Morgan McIntyre & Anna E. Woods – Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Slippery Rock University
Dominic Bevilacqua – Finance & Marketing University of Pittsburgh
Olivia V. Noesner – Chemical Engineering University of Pittsburgh

The Scholarship program is aimed at juniors and seniors within the engineering departments at our regional universities. This year, the Appalachian Basin Chapter has partnered with:
- West Virginia University
- Stark State College
- Marietta College
- West Virginia Northern Community College
- Pittsburgh Technical College
- Westmoreland County Community College
- Community College of Beaver County
- Slippery Rock University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Pierpont Community & Technical College / Alderson Broaddus University
NOTE: The scholarship program will also be open to ALL non-partner schools in the Appalachian region. The Scholarship Committee will determine if the student applying from a non-partner school meets the qualification requirements upon receiving the application.

Funding each scholarship is made possible by Chapter Sponsorships, Donations and Fundraisers such as it’s annual Golf Tournament & Sporting Clays Event. We believe the Scholarship Program is truly one of our chapter’s most important and most visible means of encouraging and attracting bright, industrious young technical talent to our local gas processing industry.
Over the course of the __ years that ABGPA has been providing scholarships they have granted more than $____,000 in scholarships, and assisted over _____ students in their academic efforts. Our goal is to continue to give more. To accomplish that goal we need your help. Every event that we hold will be aimed at bringing in money to give back to our scholarship fund, so your participation in the local ABGPA Events and/or Sponsorships/Donations are essential to our success!